Tuesday, 16 June 2015
27th and 28th June - Festival 2015
In chronological order festivals of past days
2008 - White Acres - Victory Nicholson
2009 - Spring Lea - Victory Nicholson
2010 - Spring Lea - Victory Nicholson
2011 - Spring Lea - Join honours Nicholls Snr and Jnr
2012 - Spring Lea - Victory Coot Catcher
2013 - Spring Lea - Victory Coot Catcher
2014 - Spring Lea - Victory Nicholson
Nicholson is the man to beat.
2 days fishing
Any method you like
3-2-1 Point system for each of the following
1. Weight - Carp
2. Weight - Silvers
3. Species
Max points 18
£6 to fish - to pay winners ticket money
2 nets needed
Pegs drawn
Fish when all anglers ready
Finish at agreed time.