Sunday, 28 June 2015
Animal Mineral Vegetable
Day 1
Some anglers are born great, some achieve greatest and others are just born to fish like a great. Weeks and weeks of anticipation and weather watching were over and Saturday started with Nico bang on time and informed of Sophie's breakfast preferences. The lads stuffed the car and were off, optimism reached new highs as lakes, tactics and past sessions were discussed as the miles zoomed by. MacDs visited and lads recharged. Shrewsbury drew near. Hand brake turn into Spring Lea and the usual dreams of 'if this was my fishery' were now put aside as the boys pulled up alongside the welcome sight of Magnums van. Magnum having a pow wow with the bivvie brigade - well one stoned dude - fully informed of the lakes form - ready to bag! Pegs mid lake the only choice and draw made. Nico middle peg - Nicholls boys happy with end pegs and option of margin later. Game on, match on, fish ? It was tense odd carp for Nico, coot targeted silvers and magnum odd fish. Steady as she goes. Cob van shut. Amateur luck and boring tales of fish.Nico always attracts them. Steady as she goes. Odd silver IDE carp roach Rudd. Carp not present. Hot and warming up. Nico tanned his legs and Magnum wore his new garbolino hat with silent pride. Coot catcher sensing silvers victory and a share of the species packed up before the rest. Weighting in came as a surprise - magnum 12lb silvers and 8lb carp , Nicholls 31lb silvers carp DNW and ( can you believe it) Nico 10lb carp and 31lb silvers. Points day 1 - Nico 7.5 Coot 5.5 Magnum 5. 3 beers staring at menus and Kanye West at Glasto - Nico slept like a baby. It was still anyone's!
Day 2
Lads arose feeling redeemed for an early night and no lime pickle. At the venue before magnum, cussing the rain. Bonged out bivvie man night fishing but not night fishing? Are you MOD? End of Orfe and end of the match as Magnum picked the peg on the corner - no one puts magnum in the corner. A few silvers and odd carp. Nico end peg, far end of lake decided to add Matey to the water so fish could have a bubble bath jacuzzi. Sprats and lost carp followed. Crazy feeder for coot resulted in skimmers and small carp through out session. Nico lost his mojo and humour. Sat like a gnome and moaned. Magnum we couldn't hear or seen in the corner - vegetating. At the weight in Magnum 4lb silvers and 4lb carp. Nico carp DNW and silvers 18lb. Coot 8lb carp and 21lb silvers. Total points and weights - Magnum 9 points 28lb Nico 12.5 59lb Coot Catcher 13.5 60lb. A better showing from Magnum, some costly mistakes from Nico and Coot - but justice in the end! Lesson learnt - maggot maggot maggot and odd bit of corn!